Convert a binary DICOM file

Binary DICOM files can be converted to their JSON or XML representation or recoded using another transfer syntax using odil transcode.

Convert to JSON

Specify -f json to convert to JSON:

$ odil transcode -f json file.dcm /dev/stdout
{ "00080005":{"Value":["ISO_IR 100"],"vr":"CS"}, ... }

If the output is to be read by a human being, the condensed format is not appropriate, and the result can be pretty-printed using the -p flag:

$ odil transcode -f json -p file.dcm /dev/stdout
  "00080005" : {
    "Value" : [ "ISO_IR 100" ],
    "vr" : "CS"
  "00080016" : {
    "Value" : [ "1.2.840.10008." ],
    "vr" : "UI"

Convert to XML

Similarly, specify -f xml to convert to XML, with optional pretty-printing with the -p flag:

$ odil transcode -f xml -p file.dcm /dev/stdout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <DicomAttribute vr="CS" tag="00080005" keyword="SpecificCharacterSet">
    <Value number="1">ISO_IR 100</Value>
  <DicomAttribute vr="UI" tag="00080016" keyword="SOPClassUID">
    <Value number="1">1.2.840.10008.</Value>

Change the transfer syntax

The transfer syntax of a file can also be changed through the -t flag with a transfer syntax name:

$ odil transcode -t ExplicitVRLittleEndian input.dcm output.dcm
$ odil print -H -u output.dcm | grep "Transfer Syntax"
Transfer Syntax UID  0002,0010 UI ['Explicit VR Little Endian']