DICOM services – server side

The design of the SCPs: an abstract base class, odil::SCP, implementing common features and concrete classes for each service (see table below). Every service requires an association which is correctly associated and has negotiated the corresponding abstract syntax.

The SCP classes handle the low-level message exchange, and the action (e.g. querying a data base or storing a file) is left to the user. If the SCP’s responses contain no data set (C-ECHO, C-STORE), the action is a callback with a single parameter (the request message) which returns the status of the operation; if the SCP returns data sets (C-FIND, C-GET, C-MOVE), the action is specified as a class which inherits from odil::SCP::DataSetGenerator. A data set generator must specify the following member functions:

  • void initialize(message::Request const &request): initialize the generator given an incoming request

  • bool done(): test whether all elements have been generated

  • void next(): prepare the next element

  • DataSet get(): return the current element

The SCP may process an already-existing message using the operator() or may receive a message on the underlying association and process it through the receive_and_process member function. In the former case, the function will return once the response has been sent; in the latter case, the function will block until a message has been received and the response has been sent.

SCPs returning no data set

The following example show the use of a C-ECHO SCP. The message handler prints a message on the server console and returns successfully.

#include <iostream>

#include <odil/Association.h>
#include <odil/EchoSCP.h>
#include <odil/message/CEchoRequest.h>

odil::Value::Integer echo(odil::message::CEchoRequest const & request)
    std::cout << "Received echo\n";
    std::cout << "  ID: " << request.get_message_id() << "\n";
    std::cout << "  Affected SOP Class UID: " << request.get_affected_sop_class_uid() << "\n";
    return odil::message::Response::Success;

int main()
    odil::Association association;
    association.receive_association(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 11112);
    odil::EchoSCP scp(association, echo);

SCPs returning data sets

The following example shows an implementation of a DataSetGenerator which simulates the query of a database returning two matching data sets. The generator is the used in a C-FIND SCP.

#include <vector>

#include <odil/Association.h>
#include <odil/DataSet.h>
#include <odil/FindSCP.h>
#include <odil/message/CFindRequest.h>

class FindGenerator: public odil::SCP::DataSetGenerator
        // Nothing to do

    virtual ~FindGenerator()
        // Nothing to do.

    virtual void initialize(odil::message::CFindRequest const & )
        odil::DataSet data_set_1;
        data_set_1.add(odil::registry::PatientName, {"Hello^World"});
        data_set_1.add(odil::registry::PatientID, {"1234"});

        odil::DataSet data_set_2;
        data_set_2.add(odil::registry::PatientName, {"Doe^John"});
        data_set_2.add(odil::registry::PatientID, {"5678"});

        this->_response_iterator = this->_responses.begin();

    virtual bool done() const
        return (this->_response_iterator == this->_responses.end());

    virtual odil::DataSet get() const
        return *this->_response_iterator;

    virtual void next()

    std::vector<odil::DataSet> _responses;
    std::vector<odil::DataSet>::const_iterator _response_iterator;

int main()
    odil::Association association;
    association.receive_association(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 11112);

    FindGenerator generator;
    odil::FindSCP scp(association, generator);

The generators used by the C-GET and C-MOVE SCPs have an extra member function, count, which must return the number of data sets that the SCP will send. Moreover, since C-MOVE needs to establish a new association to send its responses, generators for the C-MOVE SCPs must implement the get_association member function which returns a non-associated association.

SCP dispatcher

In order to facilitate the development of a DICOM server handling multiple services, the odil::SCPDispatcher class maps the type of a message to an instance of a SCP and dispatches an incoming message to the correct SCP.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

#include <odil/EchoSCP.h>
#include <odil/FindSCP.h>
#include <odil/message/CEchoRequest.h>
#include <odil/message/CFindRequest.h>
#include <odil/SCPDispatcher.h>

// See above for the definitions
odil::Value::Integer echo(odil::message::CEchoRequest const & request);
class FindGenerator;

int main()
    odil::Association association;
    association.receive_association(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 11112);

    auto echo_scp = std::make_shared<odil::EchoSCP>(association, echo);
    auto find_scp = std::make_shared<odil::FindSCP>(
      association, std::make_shared<FindGenerator>());

    odil::SCPDispatcher dispatcher(association);
    dispatcher.set_scp(odil::message::Message::Command::C_ECHO_RQ, echo_scp);
    dispatcher.set_scp(odil::message::Message::Command::C_FIND_RQ, find_scp);

    bool done = false;
        catch(odil::AssociationReleased const &)
            std::cout << "Peer released association" << std::endl;
            done = true;
        catch(odil::AssociationAborted const & e)
                << "Peer aborted association, "
                << "source: " << int(e.source) << ", "
                << "reason: " << int(e.reason)
                << std::endl;
            done = true;