The primary programming language of Odil is C++11: other languages (as Python or Javascript) are wrappers of the C++ code and try to mimic the C++ API. All classes, functions and variables of Odil are declared in the odil namespace. The include files reflect the classes: the odil::DataSet class will be declared in the odil/DataSet.h.

Odil can be included in another project using e.g.:

find_package(Odil 0.12.0 REQUIRED)
# Add targets, then for each target call
target_link_libraries(... Odil::libodil)

Odil_DIR might need to be passed as cmake argument if odil was built from source and was not installed to the default location (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX). For example cmake -DOdil_DIR=/opt/odil/install/lib/CMake/Odil.

The full Doxygen reference is also available.