Data sets, elements and values

The data set is the central data structure in the DICOM standard and in Odil. In Odil, it is a dictionary of elements (i.e. typed values), where the key is a tag, identifying the semantics of the element. Data sets are handled by the odil::DataSet class.

The odil::Value class holds the actual value of an element, stored as an array of one of five types, each of them mapped to some of the 31 VRs of DICOM:

  • Integers (IS, SL, SS, UL, US)

  • Reals (DS, FL, FD)

  • Strings (AE, AS, AT, CS, DA, DT, LO, LT, PN, SH, ST, TM, UC, UI, UR, UT)

  • Binary (OB, OD, OF, OL, OW, UN)

  • DataSets (SQ)

The default constructor creates an empty data set, as can be shown by the size() or the empty() member function:

#include <iostream>
#include <odil/DataSet.h>

int main()
    odil::DataSet data_set;
    std::cout << std::boolalpha
        << "Size: " << data_set.size() << ", empty: " << data_set.empty()
        << "\n";

Adding an element is done through the add() member function. All public tags are pre-defined in odil::registry, but can also be created when needed. Most of the functions that have odil::Tag parameters may also use the keywords of public tags (an exception will be raised if no such name exists in the directory).

#include <odil/DataSet.h>
#include <odil/registry.h>
#include <odil/Tag.h>

int main()
    odil::DataSet data_set;

    // Pre-defined tag
    data_set.add(odil::registry::PatientName, {"Doe^John"});
    // Temporary Tag object for Patient ID
    data_set.add(odil::Tag(0x0010, 0x0020), {"12345"});
    // Using the keyword of the tag
    data_set.add("PixelSpacing", {1.0, 1.0});

In the previous example, note that the type of the value and the VR of the element are inferred from the parameters. Patient Name and Patient ID will have a Strings value, and Pixel Spacing will have a Reals value. The VR is inferred from the dictionary, but can be explicit, as in data_set.add(tag, value, odil::VR::SL).

Access to already-inserted elements is done through one of the as_XXX(tag) functions (as_int, as_real, as_string, as_data_set, as_binary). The type of the element will be checked, and an exception will be raised if there is a mismatch. The presence of an element can be checked with the has(tag) member function and the type of an element with the is_XXX(tag) member functions.

#include <iostream>
#include <odil/DataSet.h>

int main()
    odil::DataSet data_set;

    data_set.add("PatientName", {"Doe^John"});
    std::cout << data_set.as_string("PatientName")[0] << "\n";

    data_set.as_string("PatientName") = {"Bloggs^Jane"};

    std::cout << "PatientName "
        << (data_set.is_string("PatientName")?"contains ":"does not contain ")
        << "strings" << "\n";

    std::cout << "PatientID is "
        << (data_set.has("PatientID")?"present":"missing") << "\n";

Note that the value of an element is always an array even if it is empty or contains only one element. The number of items in an element can be obtained with the size(tag) member function:

#include <iostream>
#include <odil/DataSet.h>

int main()
    odil::DataSet data_set;

    // Empty element

    std::cout << std::boolalpha
        << "Size of PatientName: " << data_set.size("PatientName")
        << ", empty: " << data_set.empty("PatientName")
        << "\n";