Reading and writing files

Odil reads and write data sets using the three standard formats binary, JSON and XML.

Binary format

Two classes are responsible for reading and writing using the binary DICOM format: odil::Reader and odil::Writer. Both classes handle not only whole data sets stored in DICOM files, but also give access to lower-level functions like individual elements and tags. These two classes are based on C++ streams and so can any class that implement the streams API.

The simplest usage to write a data set to a file is:

#include <fstream>

#include <odil/DataSet.h>
#include <odil/registry.h>
#include <odil/uid.h>
#include <odil/Writer.h>

int main()
    odil::DataSet data_set;
    data_set.add("SOPClassUID", {odil::registry::RawDataStorage});
    data_set.add("SOPInstanceUID", {odil::generate_uid()});
    data_set.add("PatientName", {"Doe^John"});

    std::ofstream stream{"foo.dcm"};
    odil::Writer::write_file(data_set, stream);

This will use a default transfer syntax (Explicit VR Little Endian) and add required meta information extracted from the data set. Note that the data set must include the SOP Class UID and SOP Instance UID to be written to a file. The previous example uses odil::generate_uid to create a random UID.

Reading from a file return a pair of data sets: the first element of the pair is file meta-information, the second is the data set itself.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>

#include <odil/DataSet.h>
#include <odil/Reader.h>

int main()
    std::ifstream stream{"foo.dcm"};

    std::shared_ptr<odil::DataSet> header, data_set;
    std::tie(header, data_set) = odil::Reader::read_file(stream);

    std::cout << header->as_string("ImplementationVersionName")[0] << "\n";
    std::cout << data_set->as_string("SOPInstanceUID")[0] << "\n";

JSON format

JSON serialization and de-serialization is managed by two functions odil::as_json and odil::as_dataset(json). Reading and writing to a file is delegated to the underlying JSON toolkit, JsonCpp.

The following code sample converts a data set to JSON and writes it to a file. Refer to the JsonCpp documentation for more information about formatting.

#include <fstream>

#include "odil/json_converter.h"

int main()
    odil::DataSet data_set;
    // Fill data set

    auto const json = odil::as_json(data_set);

    std::ofstream foo{"foo.json"};
    foo << json;

    return 0;

The converse operation, reading from a file and converting the JSON to a data set, is similar.

#include <fstream>

#include "odil/json_converter.h"

int main()
    Json::Value json
    std::ifstream foo{"foo.json"};
    foo >> json;

    auto const data_set = odil::as_dataset(json);

    return 0;

XML format

The XML serialization and de-serialization is very similar to the JSON one: the respective functions performing these tasks are odil::as_xml and odil::as_dataset(xml). The underlying toolkit in the XML case is Boost.PropertyTree.

The following snippet saves a data set to an XML file:

#include <fstream>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include "odil/xml_converter.h"

int main()
    odil::DataSet data_set;
    // Fill data set

    auto const xml = odil.as_xml(data_set);

    std::ofstream foo{"foo.xml"};
    boost::propery_tree::write_xml(foo, xml);

    return 0;

The following snippet loads a data set from an XML file:

#include <fstream>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include "odil/xml_converter.h"

int main()
    std::ifstream foo{"foo.xml"};
    boost::property_tree::ptree xml;
    boost::propery_tree::read_xml(foo, xml);

    auto const data_set = odil::as_dataset(xml);

    return 0;