Retrieving DICOM data sets

Based on the results of queries, the matching data sets can be retrieved using odil find:

$ odil find \ 11112 WORKSTATION SERVER \
  patient \
  QueryRetrieveLevel=PATIENT PatientName=Doo* PatientID
2 answers
Specific Character Set 0008,0005 CS []
Query/Retrieve Level   0008,0052 CS ['PATIENT']
Retrieve AE Title      0008,0054 AE ['SERVER']
Patient's Name         0010,0010 PN ['Doo^Scooby']
Patient ID             0010,0020 LO ['05255']

Specific Character Set 0008,0005 CS []
Query/Retrieve Level   0008,0052 CS ['PATIENT']
Retrieve AE Title      0008,0054 AE ['SERVER']
Patient's Name         0010,0010 PN ['Doo^Shaggy']
Patient ID             0010,0020 LO ['05256']
$ odil get \ 11112 WORKSTATION SERVER \
  patient QueryRetrieveLevel=PATIENT PatientID=05256
Completed: 1, remaining: 0, failed: 0, warning: 0
$ LC_ALL=C ls -l
total 3752
-rw-rw----  1 user  group  1920876 Jan 18 12:38 2.25.310762891399725865476346432149665484276
$ odil print 2.25.310762891399725865476346432149665484276
Patient's Name         0010,0010 PN ['Doo^Shaggy']
Patient ID             0010,0020 LO ['05256']

The arguments in the previous example are the same as in odil find

By default, the files will be stored in the current directory and named according to the value of their SOP Instance UID element.

Modifying the storage

The files hierarchy can be modified with the --layout (or -l) option. The default is flat layout, where all the files are in the same directory; a tree where a patient/study/series hierarchy is created can also be used:

$ odil get -l tree \ 11112 WORKSTATION SERVER \
  study QueryRetrieveLevel=STUDY StudyInstanceUID=
Completed: 18, remaining: 0, failed: 0, warning: 0
$ tree
    └── 1
        └── 1
            ├── 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.11323.24626.20170922143703.136.48
            ├── 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.11840.18756.20170922143703.136.44
            ├── 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.14604.32391.20170922143702.136.12

To comply with the DICOM standard, the files and directories created by odil get can also be created with ISO-9660 names with the --iso-9660 (or -I) option:

$ odil get -I \ 11112 WORKSTATION SERVER \
  study QueryRetrieveLevel=STUDY StudyInstanceUID=
Completed: 18, remaining: 0, failed: 0, warning: 0
$ ls -l
total 218880
-rw-rw----  1 user  group  6221840 Jan 18 13:02 IM000001
-rw-rw----  1 user  group  6221840 Jan 18 13:02 IM000002
-rw-rw----  1 user  group  6221844 Jan 18 13:02 IM000003

This option may be used along with the layout option:

$ odil get -l tree -I \ 11112 WORKSTATION SERVER \
  study QueryRetrieveLevel=STUDY StudyInstanceUID=
Completed: 18, remaining: 0, failed: 0, warning: 0
$ tree
    └── 1
        └── 1
            ├── IM000001
            ├── IM000002
            ├── IM000003

Creating a DICOMDIR

A DICOMDIR can be created for the retrieved files by using the --dicomdir (or -D) option. Additional record keys can be specified using the same options than in odil dicomdir. Creating a DICOM requires the use of ISO-9660 file names, but may use flat or hierarchical storage.