Welcome to Odil’s documentation!#

Odil is a DICOM library which provides a user-friendly C++11 and Python API for the different parts of the DICOM standard:

  • Reading and writing data sets with any transfer syntax

  • Standard JSON and XML representation of datasets

  • Clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols (C-FIND, C-GET, C-MOVE, C-STORE)

  • Implementation of the DICOM web-services (WADO-RS, QIDO-RS, STOW-RS)

  • Conversion to and from DCMTK data structures.

Odil builds and run on Linux, macOS and Windows. Anaconda packages are available for those three platforms. Official packages are additionally available in Debian and Ubuntu, as well as unofficial backports.

Odil is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the CeCILL-B license.

Table of contents#